
Showing posts from 2020

Major Project - Reflective Statement

Major Submission Post

Major - Visual stills

Major - Chaos scene card examples

Major - Shot 70 - 77

Major - shot 63 - 69

Major - shot 58 - 62

Major - Final scene set up @Alan

Major - Shot 37, 38, 39, 40, 56, 57

Major - Shot 34, 35, 36

Major - shot 33 facials added

Major - More Playblasts

Major - Scene 2 Playblasts

Major - shot 18

Major - Shot 17 progession

Major - Eye sequence set up

Major - VFX Test

Major - Play blasted animation so far

Major - Shot 09, 10 and 11

Major - Shot 08

Major - MEL script Control panel

Major - Shot 08 lip sync Playblast @Alan

Major - Animatic voice over update

Major - Shot 05 playblast

Major - Shot 04 Playblast

Major - Shot 1 playblast and render

Major - Scene set up renders

Major - Scene set up Issue SOLVED

Major - room textured and lit