Major - Scene set up Issue SOLVED

EDIT: The color and subsurface weighs on morgans skin and jumper textures were causing her to come out darker so I had to re adjust the weights to the SS materials.

 I imported my characters into the scene today but an issue has popped up where Morgans textures are coming out a bit darker in the render, I have put other lights assuming it was lighting, however nothing changed. Looking in the view port her textures seem alright but in the render some of them are just too dark. Not sure if this is a thing with the TX files as I had to turn the auto convert TX function off in the arnold render settings as this was causing the render to crash more. Her jumper and skin texture files already have TX files but I am unsure if this is the issue. You can clearly see though that Robin in comparison is showing through correctly in the render.


  1. Hi Meg - Close Maya and then delete all the .tx files (source images folder etc). Then open Maya and start rendering again.


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