Major - More Playblasts

Notes for shot 27:
Spine bend FK needs more keys possibly the legs too.

Notes for shot 28:
keys need offsetting in the arm.

Notes for Shot 29:
Although the silhouette in the door way is robin the shadow needs to be suggested as someone else, not sure if I should animate her as she is talking or animate her to seem like an intruder

Note for shot 30:
needs more subtle movement, maybe have robin step forward when she says 'someone really did break in' to suggest an approach of threat

Shot 31 is a still

Shot 32 notes:
Robin needs more movement in her eyes and general facial expression, suggest more fake 'shock', kind of looks a bit soulless as of right now, even though she is it's a bit too haunting. spone is too stiff

Notes for shot 33:
No expressions yet, need to fix keys for the cog, pelvis, feet and pole vectors. keys seem okay so far for the shot.
