Minor - Corrective blendshapes problem SOLVED

SOLVED: Had to manually correct affected vertices in the component editor, and then delete the non-deformer history, inputs had a tweak that was associated to those moving vertices so had to delete that and re do the blend shapes

Today I've been running to countless problems with the pose editor that I seemed to of fixed by reopening the file or rotating joints and resetting the rotates back to their keyed frames. However I seem to have run into an issue with the elbow joint that doesn't seem like a viewport issue. At first I had problems with the shoulder twists as it was affecting the actual geometry, after reopening the file the problem was fixed but as soon as I made a new interpolator for the elbow and made a pose for the elbow bending the geometry for the elbow twist gets shifted about when i scrub through the timeline.

Elbow joint with pose turned on

Elbow joint without pose
You can see in the first gif where the pose for the elbow is turned on the geometry fidgets in the shoulder area, before it was a lot worse but when re doing the poses and fixing through the shoulder twist there isn't much influence now, but turning off the pose, the geometry is no longer affected in that area. I've also checked my skinning and there is nothing flooded in that area of the shoulder painted to the elbow. Maybe this is something normal in terms of adding a pose and previous poses from other interpolators are affected. I am not sure, all I know is that as soon as I add a pose to the elbow bend the geometry in the shoulder is immediately affected.
