Minor - Morgan Model Finished


  1. Well done Meg. My only notes would be about the mouth and the eyelids. You haven't included a wireframe in your post so its hard to tell - Industry standard: Colour/texture (if you're at that stage), grey (clay) and wireframe. The mouth might need a little tweaking (very minor). Currently. it's somewhere between representing a line you drew, a muppet mouth, and a human mouth. It's minor but I think it should move more into the human mouth category so it doesn't feel so middle ground. Mainly in the corners. If that sounds confusing or you want help to do that, see me Friday. The eye is a matter of 'number of loops' so the blink will work.

    1. Hey Alan I'd like to go over the head with you again as I am confused a bit how I want the mouth and the eyes, I've also added the wire frame mesh for you. Thanks!


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