Premise - Animatic version 1 and Updated Sequence Graph

So after receiving feedback it's been pointed out that my animatic needs to introduce a more lighter side to the sequence, so what that means is i need a more encouraging side to my characters behaviour when they worry, below is the first version of the animatic but with the other half edited in. Now that I have this feedback I can make these changes in the next animatic version.

Now with the feedback in mind I made some re-adjustments to the characters and the sequence, so my first animatic was more about the raw emotion of my mindset, now I can take parts of this animatic and make room for the 'lighter' parts - this means introducing a more optimistic and hopeful side to my mindset, whether that be my ability to apply my overthinking to my way of creating or that in many ways it can also be my strength. It isn't a healthy coping mechanism but in other ways it can help creatively. My other idea of a lighter side would be that the character grows tired of the intense sequence and eventually accepts that it's okay to be like this and think this way.

I've altered the sequence a bit and numbered key points where the sequence changes, here I have written what happens, as you can see the 2nd character originally was the character trying to calm and be rational with character 1, but this time I switch it around so we can see that character 1 tries to have more control over the sequence when it becomes too much.

My next step is to record more dialogue, this time with separate recordings of the characters, I can take snippets from a collection of recordings and make a draft dialogue that can now have that balance of light and shade. This whole light and shade aspect I like to see within the characters, character 2 represents the dark and tries to make character 1 overthink and worry but character 1 manages to see the good in this and turn it into something more optimistic- it could be something like that through the characters or even just the sequence.
