Premise - Update

So for the past couple of weeks I've been jotting down more of my thoughts on the project so far, I came up with more metaphors and thumbnails, but also made an attempt at planning out my animations sequence and narrative.
 I've been coming up with additional thumbnails that involve more of the body instead of the head, and some other more distorting one's so I can play around more with it in maya. I've also been debating about getting shapes involved for the more beginning stages of the sequence as it's more subtle before it gets to the more physical stuff.
Here I am figuring out whether to approach it as a sequence or a narrative. If i were to go with a sequence I can be more abstract and experimental, it would be nice to bring in my own style of abstract too. If I were to go for a narrative I can have my character express more emotion within these metaphors, but my character would need a reason to overthinking so I've noted possible scenarios they would overthink in that I myself have been in.

At the moment I'm still testing with thumbnails, I'm hoping to move onto my next one tomorrow and start my initial tests.
