Premise - Thumbnails and Experimental Update

 So for the past week I've been looking back on my thumbnails and thinking how to approach them, when I sat down with Alan on Tuesday, we went through how I can approach them in terms of methods and software. We went through each one and debated how it could be made, I also made a small list on thumbnails I could experiment with my current level of skill. When I get to the harder thumbnails that is when I'll learn more through experimenting.

List of the Thumbnails I'm currently Experimenting
Each week will be dedicated to one thumbnail, giving me the whole week to try out and mess around with the tools I have chosen for that thumbnail.

Other than that I've also dabbled in thumbnails for my dummy character, urrenctly I'm trying to figure out how I want them to look, I'm unsure if their features should be similar to mine or they should simply be a vessel for my emotions, but what I am sure of is that I'm having fun with playing around with different styles! Onwards!

Facial Thumbnails
Body Thumbnails
Next I want to develop more thumbnails surrounding other parts of the body such as the hands and the torso as overthinking can also affect my body too. Another thing to note currently is I have another experiment ready to be uploaded but I'm currently tweaking it to have some animation involved so hopefully I'll have that ready for tomorrow!


  1. bring it on, Meg! Loving all the 'working it out by doing stuff' - there's no mystery to how work is developed, just getting it out and getting it down and trying some stuff out! nice!


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