Perspectives - Cone Structure @Phil


  1. Hey Meg - things still look a bit confused to me: perhaps you're worried that in your Chapter 3 you're not going to have enough to talk about, but here you're still confusing what you appear to mean by 'adaptation': the theoretical focus of your thesis is analogue vs digital as it applies to aesthetics and the reception of those artefacts by humans; you're not actually talking about 'adaptation' in the sense of changes being made to a story from book to film - you're talking about something much more specific. For this reason, I'm wondering what Jaws and Ghost in the Shell are doing in your final chapter still? You may find you need to talk, for example, about the differences between the Star Wars prequels and the 'new sequels' - because they certainly represent the 'digital vs analogue' model. I think you need to clarify finally what the scope of your thesis is... and it seems that 'adaptation' is swerving you; yes, the Lion King is a CGI remake of the original 2D film, but the terrain is 'how do we feel about the way they look' and how those feelings can be contextualised in terms of art and design debate more broadly.

    In terms of your basic structure:

    I'd suggest that Chapter 1 should focus principally on Walter Benjamin's idea of aura and how those ideas have informed historical debates around the 'hand made object' and the 'mass-produced object' - so the broadest expression of the ideas you're talking about. You could relate this to the idea of 'hand-drawn' animation, so the chapter's structure ends by these ideas being applied to animation specifically.

    Chapter 2 should get into the 'problems' of the CGI aesthetic in animation/film as a specific debate - so perhaps hyperrealism (as an aesthetic) and its relationship to the uncanny.

    Chapter 3... specific case studies that enable you to apply your ideas establishing in 1 & 2 to something in detail.

    Again - I'd just ask you to look at how/why/where you're using ideas of adaptation and if they're still relevant - they might be, but judging by your current choice of case-studies in 3, it feels like you're yet to commit to what you're 'actually' investigating.

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback Phil, I will be honest i did run myself around a bit from last weeks discussion about the core focus of my essay - that being I don't know the specific feeling of how we feel when we see these remakes, but this feedback helps me get a basic understand of it now! Thanks!

  2. You know, I'm wondering if Spiderverse might the obvious choice for your Chapter 3 - as it represents a 'way forward' in terms of CGI and 2D and how we feel about it in terms of 'hand-made imperfection' and so on...


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