Premise - Initial sketches, Word stacks and written experiences

This past week I've been extending my ideas for premise,  based on my feedback from Phil and Alan I've separated my ideas in to two themes, Overthinking and Sleep Paranoia.

Written experiences of Sleep paranoia
 Here, is my written experiences with paranoia, i'm hoping that through this process I'm able to properly illustrate some scenes from these bullet points, I may need to examplify them a bit more to properly show how if feels in my perspective.

Word stacks, metaphors & similes of overthinking
 For my Overthinking segment I made word stacks and wrote down metaphors and similes to help understand my overthinking process.


  1. Loving some of those 'layer-upon-layer-upon-layer' thumbnails - really expressive. Looking for to many more of these little vignettes - and don't underestimate the usefulness of these early 'straight-from-consciousness' drawings. I'm wondering if some quick, 2D animation 'thumbnails' might be useful too -sort of morphs and loops etc... You might also consider getting a placeholder 3D model head and 'thumbnailing' with that too - in terms of duplications and hybridisation and perhaps key-framing some changes and looping them etc - think of them as 'Gif' thumbnails using 3D models etc... I think this 'automatism' approach could be very fruitful :)

  2. Hi Meg. Here is the person I was talking about...Henning M. Lederer - He's actually a little more graphic that I remember. However, he makes interesting short stand alone/poetic pieces. Scroll down the list of his films.


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