Premise - Further ideas @Alan @Phil

So, I've been fleshing out my ideas a bit more and have been thinking of other ones as well, so far I still seem fixated on my experiences with sleep paranoia though I want to try and represent it in a more lighter tone with some underlying darker themes.

List of other Ideas i am interested in.

Further notes of the sleep paranoia idea
 This page is just further development on how I can approach the style and below are some sketches of what paranoia feels like, I like the humor in thinking there is someone there when I sleep and asking if someone is actually there, to which the person would respond to with 'No'. I feel that would bring a more odd and comedic tone to the dark themes it expresses. When it comes to paranoia it leads to heavily overthinking of possibilities, outcomes and usually some uncomfortable stuff, but I want to explore that by making it a little bit more abstract so I don't go too in to detail with the darker stuff, I can still communicate that through imagery, sounds and animation.
some sketches of how over-thinking feels
Another Sketch on overthinking
I also wanted to explore how overthinking would look like which would involve a lot of words, colors and things colliding together in my mind, though it always seems that my mind is empty when I try to describe how it feels, so in this sense when I overthink, all the things clash together and surround my mind, preventing me from thinking straight.


  1. Hey Meg - lots of interesting things here - and I like how visual everything is already. My instinct around everything you include here is that maybe they're the same thing really in so much as it's about what happens when you're alone with your mind and how your mind goes into over-drive etc. I think you're right about the tone - keeping it buoyant and not doomy and perhaps there's something to be said regarding your 'brain's behaviour' and 'why' you're a creative storytelling animator-type - so this is both blessing and curse etc.

    My response to this is to get you to undertake a very instinctive, very stream of consciousness activity wherein you try and list as many different visual similes and metaphors for the thing about you that other people otherwise cannot see: for example:

    "When I'm overthinking stuff my mind is like an adventure playground for chimpanzees... and you do this over and over until you're exhausted. You should ensure however that the similes and metaphors etc capture the 'truth' of how it feels - however outlandish: ("When I'm overthinking stuff my mind is like an aquarium alive with glowing, sharp-toothed eels") and so on. Once you you've done this and you've thrashed all of them out - then draw something for each of them - just as quickly and freely as you've done in this first post. Have some fun in the first instance: I suggest too you give yourself a time limit when you're first throwing out the phrases: 20 minutes or less, to keep it all immediate and straight from your subconscious!

    1. Thank you so much Phil for these suggestions! :D I like the idea of writing a ton metaphors and similes and then drawing them out, I will definitely try this out for further development!


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