Character Design - Story boarding & further Character Development

Today in Character Design class we learnt about story boarding and shot types, how they can convey the scene with it's angel and lighting. Our first task was to pick a scene from a movie and break down it's structure, I chose a scene from Suspiria where the Blind music instructor is killed, it demonstrates a lot of film noir in the shadows, plus the interesting thing about this scene is that the suspense is stretched out so much that you never really know when the attack will happen.
Our next task involved receiving a location and creating a chase sequence through story boarding, I received underground train station. I noted down atmospheres you can have in a train station and what kind of obstacles could be in the characters way during the chase.

I've developed Bailey's drawings a bit further, giving her a day-after look, but after talking with Justin it seems like her change wont be necessary, so for now it's either a minor tweak to her appearance after the bully confrontation or she doesn't change at all and she has an internal confidence boost.

My bully character doesn't quite fit into the stereotypical mean girl convention. She's a happy (a bit too happy) and has everyone under her thumb, if someone were to disagree with her she would go out of her way to make sure they do what she tells them (in a way that she thinks is 'polite'). She struggles to control Bailey the way she wants and right now I am in the works of the narrative between the two when they confront their disagreement towards each other.
