Fantastic Voyage - Blood Cell developments

After my pitch I received a lot of useful feedback, one that stood out to me is the appearance of my Pinball ball, it was suggested that it should represent more of a blood cell visually. I decided to develop more ideas of how the Blood cell could look. To be quite honest, I feel that changing the Blood cells' appearance too much would cause it to blend in with the scene so I have made adjustments such as 4, 5 & 6 where I have kept the original reflective material but changed it's colour and added a glow. this represents more of the bloods flow than a singular blood cell. Overall, I need to continue developing De-oxygenated blood cells/Blood flow Pinball balls so that it is more simplified, I think the 2D morphing stage will help this and the parts where the blood 'gives' some of itself to the Organs (Bumpers) will support that 'glitch state' it soon becomes.


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