Premise - Fields and Solvers Test

I wanted to try and test fields and solvers with in this test and I actually got inspiration from Matthew Lucas' gif as seen below:


I wanted to achieve the same affect in maya but there was no explanation behind the piece, so I had to figure it out for myself. I asked Alan on his thoughts about how the piece was made and he explained that it was the use of particles and point constraints.

This was my first test with my own knowledge using the turbulence field. It generates a lot of chaos and I actually quite like though it wasn't close to what I wanted.

After talking through with Alan he showed me a method with involved making the polygon a soft body and adding a goal weight to restrict the movement of the particles and give it a sort of bounciness.

However, the particles were not merged together when they were vertices  so you can see that some of the shapes lose a bit of control due to the amount of particles they're constrained to. I've been trying to re attempt it with a new polygon - Unfortunately the scene file does not function with it anymore, now I'll have to re import it into a new scene and re attempt the test.
