Character Design - Eastwood Highschool Journal Character Bible


  1. Megan Robinson-

    It has been great to see your characters develop throughout this project and your design bible demonstrates your commitment to the project. The result is visually interesting and engaging, and fully developed.

    Your character’s are engaging and subtle, and brought to life through animated expression sheets and dramatic action poses. I think it would help to separate both characters when presenting them, however. Having a clear set of expression sheets, turnaround, props and gestures for each character would help define the subtleties of each character. It would also be good to see turnarounds for both characters.

    Your storyboards are clear and readable, with a varied mix of camera shots, although they lack a little emotional charge. The animation layout, in contrast, is powerful and compelling. I think the storyboards are definitely worth investing some time in so that they match that emotional resonance since your narrative relies so heavily on the subtle interplay f both characters.

    Overall then, I feel you have produced a very competent and visually interesting design bible and just needs a few tweaks to to fully realise your emotional narrative. - Justin


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