Soundscape - Blog Submission

Sonic Concept

Original SFX and Edited SFX:

Reflective Statement:
At the start of this project I really struggled with Audition as I was trying to understand it more rather than get comfortable with it, that's why most of my lesson examples are up so late as I was so picky with them a couple weeks ago. When it came to recording sounds I found it quite exciting to begin with because I didn't really aim to make sounds wherever I went I sort of came across them and recorded them in the moment, I knew that recording from my desk would't be much approved of so I tried to avoid that as much as possible. When I had all my sounds and my images ready I just mixed and matched until I felt it spoke the image. There's a lot of similarities in each soundscape I worry; if I shared more of my progress and got feedback I would have different outcomes and they would each have more individuality .
