@Phil - Moriana Additional concepts WIP

Interior production concept - Bar

High angle Exterior shot concepts with colour comps

Thinking of combing 14's city with 12's shot as 12 has a more clear view and 14 gives off the real dark parts of moriana.
Interior shot concepts
So these are my concepts for the interior shots, really rough at the moment but i have an idea of what shot i want to finalise, that being 15. it have a clear focal point of the dancing siren and if i shrink the space around her i could add more details of the bar, but that lead me to 16 as it has a more 3 dimensional space, a clear view of the bar and enough room for the tables and sofas

These two building designs I plan to take forward to my low angle exterior shot. in this shot we will see what really becomes of moriana, more intense shapes will form on buildings and darker themes will be presented. I plan to draw out the chosen building in one point perspective basically how you see it now but with additional details. 

Building A is more based around the aquatic themes of moriana with fins, water bursting from it and the entrance will have the columns mermaid girls on them. it looks a bit rough but i can see many forms of the building shaping, heck it could be a building that moves.

Building B is a bit of a unique idea i came up with, a woman's face as the bars building, the mouth being the entrance and the eyes, well windows. with the corrupted gems added to this it will make a quite unsettling building which helps bring more to moriana's 'dark side' 



  1. Hey Mega Meg! :) For some reason, a number of your thumbnails are showing on here as missing... but I can see the thumbnails of the high exterior - and I like 14 in so much as you've got lovely prismatic stuff happening in the background - though I can't see the long panoramic shot wherein you're combining things - don't know why?! :(

    In terms of the idea for the bar - I think the woman's face could work - just try and see it through a Moriana's architect's eyes as opposed to a character designer's eyes - so maintain that sense of the built environment - look at masks as reference as opposed to 'faces' - because masks are built in the likeness of a face and are more structural, for example:



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